7 mindset shifts to ditch writer’s block and write copy with confidence

7 mindset shifts to ditch writer’s block and write copy with confidence

Believe me, I know the feeling.

You sit down at your laptop to write (or rewrite) copy for your website, marketing emails, blog, or social media content – so you can finally convert readers into the clients you want.

And then …

Your mind goes blank. Or you get all the ideas, but nothing on the page. Or you worry everything you write sounds too salesy, too long-winded, or too unprofessional.

Whatever the case, I know exactly how frustrating it is to find yourself sitting there, hours later, with a cold cup of tea and not a word to show for it.

But you can breathe a sigh of relief right now, because this doesn’t have to be your writing process anymore.

As someone who writes for a living, I’ve found that some of the simplest mindset shifts have allowed me to create content for my business with more ease, confidence, and success – so I can show up consistently in my marketing and write words that make readers genuinely excited to work together.

That’s why I’m sharing a few key writing mindset shifts to help you find your flow. Because most of us can’t get around writing copy for our businesses, but we can find ways to make it feel lighter.

You don’t have to be a wordsmith to create copy that turns readers into dream clients – you just need to find the right strategy and writing mindset to get those words flowing in a way that speaks to your people and actually sounds like you, so you can connect with them and ultimately grow your business.

Writing mindset shift #1: You don’t have to start from scratch.

Hate staring at a blank page? Here’s a secret: you don’t have to start with one when you write your own website copy.

Instead of trying to craft perfect copy out of thin air, take a few minutes to get ready to write.

Grab your brand messaging guide.

One of my favorite places to find quick writing inspiration is a brand messaging guide.

If you have one, pull it out before you start writing to refresh yourself on the key elements of your brand message and remember how you want to communicate with your audience.

This guide will give you pages of content to pull from and help you keep your message on point and consistent – which is key to building trust with your readers and making them feel more excited about the potential of working with you.

Of course, you won’t have to pull out the guide every single time you write a caption; by referencing it over time, you’ll begin to internalize your message and it will flow naturally whenever you write or speak about your business.

Don’t have a brand messaging guide yet? I’d love to help you create one through my Brand Message Consulting partnership!

Draw inspiration from your audience.

If you think you have no clue how to write words that connect with your dream clients, look closer.

Go back to any client emails, inquiry forms, testimonials, surveys, and notes you’ve taken during sales calls to get a feel for what your dream clients are struggling with, what they want most, and how they put that into words. Think about how you could infuse your content with what your dream clients care about – and even use the same words they’re using – to make them feel seen, heard, and excited to work with you.

I recommend gathering your clients’ statements into a folder or Google Doc so you can reference them whenever you need some writing inspiration.

I know it might sound like a lot of work to dig through the archives, but trust me – it’s well worth the effort. By doing this research, you’ll save yourself from hours of staring at a blank screen wondering what to say, and you’ll create more strategic and effective copy based on your clients’ actual words and ideas.

The more you can pull your audience’s words and stories into your copy, the easier it will be to write copy that connects with your audience – without having to come up with it all on your own!

This is exactly what I teach in my Website Copy Academy courses, so if you want to write strategic copy with more confidence and ease, I highly recommend you check them out!

Give yourself a structure.

Whenever I go on a run in a new place without any sort of plan, every mile feels three times longer.

I find myself constantly wondering where I am and how far I have left to go, instead of being able to just relax and get in the flow.

And the same is true with writing.

If I try to write a page of website copy, a marketing email, or even an Instagram caption, without a plan for what I want to say, I end up going in circles and having to rewrite the content several times over.

It takes longer, it’s more draining, and it usually leads to less effective content.

On the other hand, I’ve found that starting with a simple outline for what I want to say makes everything easier, allowing me to show up more consistently and write content that converts.

So before you start writing any piece of content, outline a structure for it – starting with your opening line and ending with your call to action.

Think about what your readers need to walk away knowing, and how you can give them that information in the most effective way possible.

When you can write with clarity on your message, a strategy for speaking your dream client’s language, and a plan to write words that actually convert, you’ll be able to say goodbye to the blank page and hello to writing inspired copy that gets results – like quality leads and paying clients!

I love having a structure like this when I write website copy for my clients, which is why I included a template for how to structure your homepage copy in The Homepage Course.

Using this structure allows my students to write their homepage content with more confidence and ease – without having to spend a lot of time.

Writing mindset shift #2: Clear beats clever.

You don't need a catchy slogan like "just do it" or "think different" to have a website message that converts.

Sure, those phrases have worked for large, iconic brands that are already household names.

But when you’re running a small business and simply trying to connect with potential clients on your website, clear beats clever.⁣

People are more likely to buy from us when they actually understand what we’re selling and how to get it.

And when we try to be clever, we’re more likely to end up writing vague, confusing copy or leaving out key information our readers need to know before they can be ready to work with us.

So, you don’t have to dazzle readers with witty wordplay. Instead, focus on answering the simple questions they’re asking on your website, like … 

  • What are you offering?⁣

  • Who’s it for?⁣

  • ⁣Why should I care?⁣

  • What's the next step?⁣

If you can answer those questions as quickly and clearly as possible — preferably right at the top of your homepage — then you're already on the right track.⁣

But the reality is, sometimes it’s tough to see your own business with the same clarity you might have when you look at someone else’s. And that’s why I love guiding entrepreneurs through this process, whether we’re working together on custom website copy or Brand Message Consulting.

We work on clearly and concisely articulating what they offer, how it will make their clients’ lives better, and what their readers need to do to get started – allowing them to quickly connect with and attract the clients they want to work with.

Writing mindset shift #3: Selling doesn’t have to feel icky.

“I don’t want to sound too salesy.” I hear this from entrepreneurs all the time – and I get it.

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a slimy sales pitch, then I’m sure the last thing you want is to make your audience feel as uncomfortable as you felt in that moment.

But here’s the thing: if what you offer is truly making people’s lives better, then you’re actually doing your readers (and your business) a huge disservice if your copy doesn’t answer their questions, show how you could solve their problems, and fill them with genuine confidence about buying from you.

Plus, if you’re worried about sounding “too salesy,” chances are you have nothing to worry about.

Because those icky sales pitches you’ve heard before? The people delivering them know exactly what they’re doing, and they just aren’t bothered by it.

So, rather than letting your fear of selling hold you back from talking up your offers, treat your readers the way you’d want to be treated. Tell them the truth. Give them all the information they need to make an informed decision. Focus on what’s possible in your work together and only make promises you can absolutely keep.

And if you read your copy aloud and you don’t feel like it’s something you would say to a friend or a client you deeply care about, rework it until it feels true to you.

We can’t avoid selling in our businesses (nor should we if we want it to be sustainable long term), but we can sell in a way that reflects our values and honors the people we’re here to serve.

This is one area where I love stepping in and supporting my clients when we’re collaborating on custom website copy or Brand Message Consulting. By listening to how my clients describe their offers and the value they provide, I help them craft a sales message that not only feels good, but also delivers the results they’re looking for, like quality leads and paying clients.

If you’ve been hiding your message for fear of sounding salesy, I invite you to get out there and write copy that shows your clients the true benefits of working with you – so you can make their lives better and build a thriving business along the way. 

I’m here to help if you need me, and I’d love to support you in creating a high-converting sales message you can feel totally confident about.

Writing mindset shift #4: Follow the winding road.

Here’s the thing about creativity: it doesn’t follow a straight line. And when you’re writing for your business, getting stuck in the middle is not only normal, but often essential to the process.

I love the way Marcus Romer – an artistic director, writer, and filmmaker – breaks it down in his six stages of the creative process:

1. This is awesome

2. This is tricky

3. This is sh*t

4. I am sh*t

5. This might be ok

6. This is awesome

Sometimes you might breeze through your writing without a second thought. Other days, you might get stuck in stages two, three, or four. And that’s okay.

There are all kinds of habits and rhythms you could implement to write more efficiently, but it’s important to accept that the creative process is just that – a process. You may not always be able to “hack” your way through it, but you can give yourself grace along the way.

I’ve found time and again that when you’re not pushing against a mountain of shame and frustration while you write, creating your content will feel a whole lot easier – which in turn will allow you to show up more consistently in your marketing and attract the people you want to hire you.

Writing mindset shift #5: It’s totally possible to get unstuck.

Sometimes you can’t sit around and wait for inspiration to strike.

Maybe you’re on deadline or you’ve dedicated a specific block of time to write your content for the week. You can feel the clock ticking and you have to get it done.

If you need to get unstuck fast, here are a few methods I use to move through the writing process:

  • Brain dump all your ideas to see what sticks, and go from there

  • Take a walk to let your mind wander or reflect on what you want to say

  • Light a candle, pour a cup of tea, move to the couch, or do something else to make the writing process feel lighter

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes with the goal of finishing one section, then give yourself a 5-minute break and repeat for another section

  • Sit down and commit to writing something – even if you don’t love it – just so you can come back later and see exactly how to make it better

  • Skip a challenging section of your content, like an introduction, and come back to it after you’ve written other parts of the piece

We all know it’s easier to write when you’re feeling inspired, but we don’t always have that luxury. I encourage you to try these methods or come up with your own list to pull out whenever you need it.

With a few go-to tools to get the words flowing, you’ll feel more in control the next time you sit down to write, so you can show up consistently in your marketing and write content that connects with your dream clients, no matter how you might be feeling on a given day.

Writing mindset shift #6: There’s only one you.

Nothing kills inspiration quite like comparison.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you’re writing copy for a new offer or a piece of educational content, and you decide to pop over to your competitor’s site for a second – just to see how they might word it.

But before long, you’re spiraling into self-doubt and not-enoughness, because all their copy sounds exactly the same as what you wanted to say, only better.

I hear you – really. But here’s the thing: no matter what your competitors are doing or saying, they’re not you.

Sure, they might offer similar services – and maybe they even describe them in a similar way – but they don’t have your background, your personality, or the one-of-a-kind spark you bring to your work.

So resist the urge to peek at your competitors and instead, lean into your one-of-a-kind voice. 

Tap into what your specific audience has told you they want and need. Focus on showing up fully and trust that your words will resonate with the right people.

And remember this: even though you’re acutely aware of the other voices in your industry and how much “better” they sound than you, you’re the person your audience has chosen to follow.

You’re the one who comes to mind when they hear the words “photographer,” “graphic designer,” “business coach,” etc. (insert your title here).

Your audience doesn’t care about your competitors, because they want to hear from you.

So you don’t have to silence yourself just because you aren’t the only person in the room. You don’t have to look left and right to see what your competitors are doing. You don’t have to play the scarcity game, as if all the words have already been said (because let’s be honest: they have – but they haven’t been said by you.)

This is one of my favorite results that I see my clients walking away with when we work together on custom website copy or Brand Message Consulting. By getting clear on what makes them the absolute best fit for their ideal clients, and developing their strategic message accordingly, we free them up to communicate in a way that sounds like them and speaks to the exact people they want to work with. And this makes a world of difference in not only how they feel about marketing their business but also in the results they see because of it.

I know what a struggle comparison can be – but I’ve also seen time and again that when you’re not focused on measuring up or sounding like everyone else, you can step out with confidence, knowing you bring something incredible to the table.

By showing up consistently as who you are, and speaking directly to the people you want to reach, you’ll be able set yourself far apart from any competitors and draw your dream clients to you over anyone else.

Writing mindset shift #7: Done is better than perfect.

Not every piece of content is going to be a masterpiece.

When you’re writing for your business, you could show up consistently, deliver incredible value to your audience, and make your dream clients genuinely want to hire you – and the writing still won’t feel “perfect” every time.

Sure, sometimes the stars will align and you’ll find yourself jumping out of the shower to write a note on your phone because the words are practically flying out of you.

But most of the time, writing is a discipline – and getting it done is better than making it perfect.

You could spend hours or even weeks refining your copy, but the best way to find out if it’s right is to hit publish and test out how your audience responds.

You might not feel awesome about every piece of copy you write, but learning to lean into that discomfort is what will allow you to get your thoughts and ideas out there, refine your message over time, and connect with readers who’ll ultimately want to hire you. 

And ultimately, it’s better to create 52 pieces of content in a year than to spend a year refining the same post 52 times. Your library of content will build up your credibility more than any single piece – and will deliver more value to your audience, too.

Breaking through writer’s block and writing copy with ease

At some point, we all have to face that blinking cursor and write copy for our businesses – whether you’re whipping out an Instagram caption you didn’t have time to outsource or you’re DIYing your entire website.

But here’s the thing – writing doesn’t have to be a painful or dreaded process.

Instead of trying to grab ideas out of thin air, you can start with notes and a plan. 

Instead of expecting yourself to become a witty wordsmith overnight, you can simply focus on being clear. 

Instead of trying to sound like everyone else, you can lean into what your audience needs to hear from you.

Like most people who write, you’ll probably get stuck at points along the way. But you can trust yourself to find a way through, even if what you write isn’t perfect every time.

Here’s what I know: the message that’s going to attract your dream clients and grow your business is already inside you. 

But if you could use some help bringing it out, that’s exactly why I’m here.

Whether we collaborate on custom, done-for-you website copy or empower you to write content that sells through Brand Message Consulting, I’d love to support you in stepping into your most aligned message so you can book clients with ease and grow your business in a way that feels good.

Book a free Copy Chat call with me to talk about how we can create copy that speaks to your people, sounds like you, and sparks genuine sales.

Or, check out my Website Copy Academy courses to discover how you can confidently write website copy that connects and converts – in far less time than you might think.


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7 mindset shifts to ditch writer’s block and write copy with confidence
7 mindset shifts to ditch writer’s block and write copy with confidence